AgroStrat was invited to participate in two day meeting on innovative initiatives for soil conservation in European Union, 24 and 25 September. The meeting, was hosted by the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI), co-organised by the European Commission and the Astrale Monitoring team, invited experts from all over Europe to present soil related projects co-funded by the European Commission LIFE Programme.
Policy officers from the Directorate General Environment and Directorate General Agriculture of the European Commission attended. The first day of the meeting included presentations by soil experts and two workgroups which discussed scientific and policy issues. The outcomes of the meeting contributed to the development of the EU Soil Directive and will be published in December 2013.
AgroStrat and the coordinator Dr. M. Doula participated in and coordinated the 1st Working Group of the meeting, entitled "Soil: Threats, gaps and technical assessment". Download here the minutes.
Read the presentation of AgroStrat in the meeting by Dr. M. Doula.